Whether you like John Fetterman or not I have noticed that he at least as common sense and isn’t as jaded as those people who have been in office for many years. I hope that he keeps his common sense for the long run and it isn’t beaten out of him as he goes through the political system

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I love the America First Nationalism. It sound right. I don’t like to really say I’m a Republican because there are too many RINO’s in the ranks. Too many good ole boy politicians. I also think the two party system needs to change. Needs to move over and allow third party candidates that need to run outside the Republican democrat parties. So far no one has ever been able to be elected running as a third party and I think have more than two parties running would be a great thing. Maybe if someone is elected that doesn’t have an R or a D next to their name might actually get something done in Congress!

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