The red wave is rising.

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May 13·edited May 13

Hallelujah, I am related to Stonewall Jackson. I have been fighting the CIA Crime-Family for 11 years and studying, rejecting and exposing these Freaks for 27 years in my CIA-Developed Town. Trump and Military Intelligence has it all. BLM even stalked me in my town and some 9/11 Pilots were trained here too! JFK created the DIA to abolish the Terrorist CIA but everyone who tried since then was murdered. The Q Movement (DIA, General Flynn, Admiral Rogers, Trump, Austin Steinbart, etc.) is finally succeeding. Check out Qintel (on .pro).

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Good for the Virginia School Board. I hope they banned gay porn in the libraries' as well.

We're all sick and tired of the Leftist/ "woke" nonsense.

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Excellent! History should be preserved along with the lessons learned from it.

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Hallelujah, I am related to Stonewall Jackson. I have been fighting the CIA Crime-Family for 11 years and studying, rejecting and exposing these Freaks for 27 years. Trump and Military Intelligence has it all. BLM even stalked me in my town and some 9/11 Pilots were trained here too! JFK created the DIA to abolish the Terrorist CIA but everyone who tried since then was murdered. The Q Movement (DIA, General Flynn, Admiral Rogers, Trump, Austin Steinbart, etc.) is finally succeeding. Check out Qintel (on .pro).

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If those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, does that mean those that try to erase history WANT to repeat it? Getting rid of historical names because you don't like something about who/what something was named for is erasing history.

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Good for this Virginia School Board in keeping US History relevant so We The People can remain a Constitutional Republic with laws . The left trying to erase US History by changing the names of US schools and Collages . Also keep in mind the KKK were Southern Democrats the very party today that say they are fighting racism ?

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Good for the Shanandoah, Virginia School Board. You can change a name, or you can tear down a statue, but you can't change history.

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So great history has been erased from decades history, and current history, from those want to make-up their stories and facts. To the lost facts, and damages their idea of dishonest valid ?

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I am a conservative, and a VA resident, and I DON'T approve of this. Lee and the rest of those named were fighting for SLAVERY. No heritage involved here, other than a shameful one.

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I think a deeper understanding of history would serve you well.

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I have an excellent understanding of US Civil War history. The 'states' right' it was fought over was SLAVERY. That was distorted to promote reunification.

That is widely acknowledged and is stated honestly in several Civil War museums.

I think a deeper understanding of honest history would serve you well.

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History is history wether we like it or not. I'm a Southerner and hate we had slavery over nearly 200 years ago. But if you remember there's been slavery all over our world at some point in time. I'm more concerned with those in slavery in our country now. It makes me sick to think of all the children being sold for sex slavery, even the adults that can't get away from evil people. I am grateful for organizations working with officers for their freedoms. I hope this will be history for the millions of people ASAP!!!

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I 100% agree. The point is not to erase the dark episodes of our history. But why celebrate it?

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Who's celebrating?

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No, you REFUSE to understand history. That is why you are offended by REMEMBERING it.

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It just so happens that Robert E. Lee was actually AGAINST slavery and owned no slaves, whereas Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves, also, the so-called Civil War was fought over the North's high tariffs on Southern cotton. The Confederate States did not want to overthrow the government, which is a civil war, they wanted to succeed from the Union, just like the forefathers wanted to succeed from the British Crown.

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That information is not accurate. Lee did "own" people. But he had no use for them because he was in the military, so he "rented" these human beings to other plantations close to his family's plantation.

Grant purchased a slave from his father-in-law and soon after gave the man his freedom.


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The more you know... https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/the-real-robert-e-lee/ and from Rev. Wm. Mack Lee, "body servant to Lee," ...his own words... "I was raised by one of the greatest men in the world. There was never one born of a woman greater than Gen. Robert E. Lee, according to my judgment. All of his servants were set free ten years before the war, but all remained on the plantation until after the surrender." https://www.docsouth.unc.edu/neh/leewilliam/lee.html

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May 13·edited May 13

@ Paulette Altmaier:

What's it to you???? You were probably neither a slave or slave owner. Get a life.

Deuteronomy 24:16

The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

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I GUARANTEE she, along with every other person on the planet, is a descendant of BOTH slaves and slave owners. It has been at least 1000 years since anyone failed to meet both of those criteria.

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....except Blacks are the only ones who keep yapping about slavery. Present day Blacks were never slaves and present day Whites (the ones Blacks are trying to extort reparations out of) never owned slaves.

Every race on the planet was once enslaved by some other race yet you don't see them yapping about reparations, do you?

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Every race on the planet CURRENTLY enslaves every race on the planet. Race has never been the issue, including during the time slavery was legal in the US. That is the point you missed.

Also note: SOME people of every race use it as an excuse. MOST people of every race don't.

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