Even the dumbest libtard has got to be sick of the obvious lies and hate and mind control. Not even a total fool can be oblivious to the propoganda anymore.

Everywhere you look all anyone can see is "Tragicomic Liberalism" on parade. Wake Up America....

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What about the freedoms y'all took away from women? Not so worried about those are you. It's okay though. We can put a silencer on a gun and shoot somebody and it's Aokay, but lord help us if we want to decide when we are ready to have kids. It's the end of the world.

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So, I guess you are talking about the supposed right to sacrifice your baby to Molech any time for any reason or no reason from conception to sometime after birth in any jurisdiction in the USA, that Wm O Douglas said with his failing eyesight at his ripe old age could be found in the shadows (umbras and penumbras were his words) of the plain English words of the Constitution in 1973 when no one had seen such a’right’ for the 184 years since it was written.

Y’all ought to be pissed off at the old man who wrote such Bull shit that allowed the guys that sweet talked you into letting them knock y’all up and leaving you alone with the responsibility of getting rid of the consequences of your roll in the hay, as opposed to man up and marry y’all.

You don’t think you are ready to have a child, then keep your panties on, your knees together, and both feet on the floor, simple enough.

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What about freedoms we all GAVE women, like in 1920 the right to vote? Clearly a stupid mistake.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

It's called responsibility...! It is also considered a Maternal instinct to protect the life within you. OK so lets say many libtards have no instincts...! There should still be a simple human sense of "responsibility" within any woman..? Right? or are libtards not capable of this either? Even the dumbest, moron, libtard, woman should understand is. having sex she can get pregnant. Right..? Is that fair? So now, if you are too stupid to know "that" then you need to be sterilized or re-ducated to even be allowed into human society.Responsibility (since many pro choice women do not understand this concept) is having Birth Control available to anyone...! Over the counter purchases.... ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE in the USA......! USE IT STUPID..! Responsibility is if you are stupid and playing russian roulette with your womb there are pregnancy tests available at the 7-11 for less than a dollar each..! NEWS FLASH.... It aint 1962 anymore.! Ya don't need a Doctor and a Rabbit to figure out your status.!So for the love and the protection of the possible life soon to possibly be growing within any of you, libtard women have got to learn to "grow up" and "wake up" and "care" enough about the life they have been given the responsibility to carry and birth. Now if you find you were "STUPID" or made the wrong choices and do not want the baby, for the love of all that is decent in this world at least test yourself like you should each day if your having sex.... and make your choice within 8 weeks and before a heartbeat shows an actual viable life forming and do what many states still will still allow.Please do not continue to be STUPID and continue to get pregnant like you had no idea it could happen. And run around screaming at decent people that you want to take your time (Like a FOOL) and make your choice on the day of BIRTH..! GROW UP.... MAKE YOUR CHOICE..! And SHUT UP about your rights! That is a life within you... NO ONE can say exactly when it begins..! So let's give this life every chance it has since it is innocent and it is helpless and it requires the instinct to protect it all women were supposed to have...!

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There have been no "freedoms" taken away from women. Abortion law was sent back to the states when the SCOTUS ruled against Row v Wade. Women who wish to murder their babies can just by going to a state where is is legal. And you won't even need a silencer!


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