Off the cuff, using memory and extrapolations from numbers discussed and reported on The Military channel of utube,, the NewAtlas and The Duran sourced from other sources which gather and study the numbers I would say that one million casualties with a ratio of two Ukrainian to one Russian.

With room for a 50 percent error rate due to fog of war etc this is a huge number and not the only subset of murder led by the psychopaths in control of their assaults on humanity. Bioweapons, financial weapons, are only a couple of at least 10 vectors involved " on the eve of destruction"

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I'm not in his district, but love him. There are only a few in all of Congress who are decent. Andy Biggs and Eli Crane, both of AZ, Cory Mills of Florida, Matt Rosendale of MT who is leaving at the end of the year, and Clay Higgins of Louisiana. There are probably a couple more, but some who people think are good are really rotten...Byron Donalds is one of them, as he's promoting digital currency with the Dems and has as his top aide, a felon who has exposed himself to children. So many more are even worse.

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