Please do some research.

Covid was a PCR false positive pseudo pandemic--they used a fraudulent test with 89-94% false positives to create the illusion of a pandemic. They hijacked cold and flu season and called everything covid. Look up Dr. Nancy Turner Banks' interview with Sofia Smallstorm and listen to the 2nd half.

If you want to learn the truth about these so-called pandemics, look up Jon Rappoport (read his archives on Ebola), Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and Dr. Sam Bailey.

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My husband and I are retirees and while we were comfortable enough before inflation and 'Bidenomics' (🙄), we're now cutting back on the extras so we can prepare for the possibility of economic collapse, civil or world war, another pandemic, supply chain collapse or government taking control of the food supply. We wait for sales to buy prepping items or shelf stable food and we just don't have $300 lying around to purchase The Wellness Company's (TWC's) medical kit despite wanting to purchase it. Will TWC be selling the medications separately or in smaller kits at any point so those of us who are struggling in this economy can buy - perhaps one or two medicine(s) at a time? I know many people who want the kit but just can't afford it right now and I believe TWC is missing out on a large chunk of the market by requiring us to buy all at once. If you can, please respond and let me know if this is possible. Thank you!

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Our World has gone insane. Stop creating Death and work on curing diseases.

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To Rerun 2020 X 100 more deadlier

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election are coming up and here comes the corruption again from the Rhinos and satanic liberals maybe.

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Covidstein was only the beginning.

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spray their labs with skunk scent , they will abandon the lab .

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The Evilists minions of Satan never ceases! Hence; aka the Red Dragon as depicted in the Book of Revelations!

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Well there you go, just what the elite globalist's have been waiting for, now you will take their experimental vaccines or die as you are being enslaved by the globalist's!

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