"Will the United States go to war for Israel?" You might as well ask, "Will Jews go to war for Israel?" because Jews are who's running America and have been for some time. Jews ran GWB, Obama, and Biden. The only policy difference between them is Obama and Biden were run by Labor Party Jews (the ones who fear being too aggressive will result in blowback against Jews), while GWB was run by Likud Party Jews (war hawks who feel confident that we non-Jews are too timid to stand in their way).

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Boy, Jose, you certainly seem to have a problem with Jews. I am simply a reader, and I know that if Israel is overwhelmed by incoming drones, missles, and aircraft, she will use nuclear weapons on Teheran and anywhere else she sees fit. After all, she has 200 of them.

By helping to shoot down incoming threats, the US helps prevent nuclear war and world-wide instability. Why is it that I know that, and you, the writer, publisher, and editor, don't?

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Ceasing to prop up the parasite country of Israel ALSO helps prevent a nuclear war initiated by Israel.

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Is this action a preparation for the outbreak of a regional war or is this an attempt to intimidate and avoid war. Newsflash: Our enemies no longer fear us!!

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We should put AOC on the front lines when this starts!!!!

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And biden will give one order, "Don't"

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In a word, no. No, the US will not go to war for Israel, and there is no escalation of American military forces in the Middle East. Everything's just being rotated as previously scheduled, as was mentioned in the Military Times many weeks ago.

The carrier task force going there is replacing the one that is going home. It's a rotation, not an escalation. Why do I know that? My cousin's son is on the Eisenhower. As for the submarine, there are ALWAYS subs over there; the Biden Admin just chose to mention it to look all big and bad for AIPAC and Israel.

There won't be a war with Iran for two simple reasons. One, the Iranians would close the Straits of Hormuz and shut off 1/6th of the world's oil supply at a stroke. Two, the Iranians can sink any aircraft carriers that go there to try to keep them open, and the Pentagon knows that.

Israel just isn't important enough to the American oligarchy to let those two things happen. The Zionists sure are going to be pissed when they find that out. Their tantrums should be most entertaining when the day comes.

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You're smart, but I think underinformed. You make the same mistake that Putin repeatedly did in his calculations of how the West would respond to things, namely, assuming they are rational actors who strive to do what's in their best interest. What he and you fail to factor in is that America is not being run by Americans. It is being run by a hostile parasitic conspiring foreign ethnic minority called Jews whose only loyalty is to their race, not the countries they are allowed to infest and from which they feed off of. Therefore, not only will the Jews running America gladly sacrifice it and its people for the advancement of their international tribe, but further, actually INTEND to impoverish America to remove it as a world power rival to nuclear-armed Israel. That is the whole purpose behind the Jewish plan for a WW3 between the West and Russia, to collapse them both.

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