God bless President Trump and Governor Abbott! Fuck Pedo Joe Biden and BLM!

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Correction: The District Atty has put their politics over justice, and the lesson learned is, when you point a gun at someone, be ready for the consequences

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For once there is justice. The case was a fraud from the get go, in effect saying it was open season on whitey and self defense is no defense. Cheers for Gov. Abbott, jeers for Garza.

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Good job governor Abbott These woke George Soros bought and paid for DAs are doing everything they can to destroy the American dream.

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Great news!!

Justice served!

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Leave it to the leftist fa to get everything backwards and upside down.

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Good job, Gov. Abbott!

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Proud of my governor and pox on that DA!

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Excellent show of sanity, Governor Abbott! 👏

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Sooner or later justice is served.

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May 17·edited May 17

THANK YOU GOV. ABBOTT!!! However, you didn't go far enough! We need to weed out these Sorros malcontents D.A. who are attempting to destroy law and order, and FIRE THEM! Get rid of that communist a$$ licking S.O.B. and every other one who violates State of Federal Constitutions! Remember. The only way to defeat a TERRORIST (verbal or kinetic) is to be MORE TERRIBLE! You can't feed them the right mashed potatoes and gravy and make 'good terrorists' out of them. Judgment must be SWIFT and PERMANENT - FIRE THE BASTARD!

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Yes, yes, yes and YES.

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May 17·edited May 17

Daniel Perry was railroaded, just like the J6ers, Derrick Chauvin and even Donald Trump.

If it's a white guy, they go to jail. If it's a black thug, they get off with no bail and community service.

Remember Rodney King? He was beaten by 4 Police officers, and the officers weren't charged.

When O.J. Simpson killed Nicole and her B.F., the (black) juriors, who even though they knew he was guilty, in retaliation for Rodney King, declared O.J. not guilty.

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I've been reading about liberal DAs in Texas for over 20 years, going against all the evidence and support for self-defense by highly qualified experts' testifying, and still throwing good citizens in prison. We need more top-notch attorneys willing to take pro-bono cases to stand up against these liberal prosecutors.

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A win for Texas and sanity is a win for all the U.S.

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This sounds like a great solution.

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Garza has accused Gov. Abbott of the exact thing Garza himself is doing. Liberals are quick to call names so they can take credit for name calling first. Gov. Abbott is a Texan and a patriot while Garza is a mud slinging radical LIAR. God Bless Texas, God Bless Gov. Abbott, God Bless America and God Bless President and First Lady Trump. Hooyah

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Clearly, the law is seen differently by the lawful and the lawless. Garza uses the law to further his agenda, referred to as "progress", actually the dissolution of the Republic. Garza is not alone in that agenda. VOTE. It matters

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