That won’t mean that it still won’t be Leftist. Also, the government should not be deciding who is elite and who is not. Perhaps, colleges and universities should be held accountable for the education they provide and the fees they charge. That would go a little way towards fixing this. Plus, we need more applied science degrees. I could go on. Thank you for providing food for thought.

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It likely will turn out that a degree is another Boomerism that will go with the Boomers.

The “need” for a degree was the direct consequence of Griggs v Duke Power, disallowing intelligence testing as part of a hiring practice because too many idiots didn’t get hired. College, then, became a substitute with the idea that one needed to be intelligent to gain a degree. With the devolution of college to victimology and rock-climbing walls, that became nonsense. Now, college is an expensive playground away from Mom & Dad, that traps the attendee into lifelong debt, making a home and family unaffordable. Most degrees simply are no longer worry the parchment on which they’re printed.

This, too, shall pass.

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