While the official narrative insists this is about “maintaining peace,” the timing and scope raise red flags. Why now, right before an election likely to spark protests? These new powers could easily be weaponized to suppress political dissent, especially in a nation already divided. History shows us that when governments consolidate military power for “emergencies,” it rarely ends well for civil liberties.
And let’s be honest: They’re not preparing to quell foreign insurgencies. No, these new powers are meant to control you—the American people. Civil unrest? Dissent? Political protests? All could be met with lethal force under the guise of “maintaining order.” This directive is especially alarming considering the DOJ's pivot from targeting foreign terrorists to hunting down what they now deem "domestic terrorists".
When did we, as a nation, become so dangerous that the government feels justified in deploying military force at home?
Keep in mind, they use the term 'domestic terrorist" to describe Christians, whether praying in front of abortion clinics or just having a license holder or bumper sticker. I'm reminded of those military training classes where they had slideshows depicting Christians as terrorists.
When I contacted my congressman about it, he replied that he "would certainly keep an eye out for any legislation on this matter". So, they do nothing.
Biden wants more gun control, more law abiding citizen control, but less criminal democrat controls. Since guns are no more of a problem on their own, than pea gravel. One has to wonder why democrats do everything in their power to cover for democrat and uniparty criminals who are actually usong weapons to facilitate their crimes?
Interestingly they are also setting up an end run around Posse Comitatus
They already have
Federal Directive 5240.01 is a treasonous abuse of power
The U.S. Department of Defense issued a federal directive on September 27 that allows U.S. military troops to be used to “assist” state and local law enforcement upon request, with actions up to and including “lethal force.” This is Directive 5240.01. Read it for yourself. https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodd/524001p.PDF?ver=UpTwJ66AyyBgvy7wFyTGbA%3d%3d
While the official narrative insists this is about “maintaining peace,” the timing and scope raise red flags. Why now, right before an election likely to spark protests? These new powers could easily be weaponized to suppress political dissent, especially in a nation already divided. History shows us that when governments consolidate military power for “emergencies,” it rarely ends well for civil liberties.
And let’s be honest: They’re not preparing to quell foreign insurgencies. No, these new powers are meant to control you—the American people. Civil unrest? Dissent? Political protests? All could be met with lethal force under the guise of “maintaining order.” This directive is especially alarming considering the DOJ's pivot from targeting foreign terrorists to hunting down what they now deem "domestic terrorists".
When did we, as a nation, become so dangerous that the government feels justified in deploying military force at home?
Keep in mind, they use the term 'domestic terrorist" to describe Christians, whether praying in front of abortion clinics or just having a license holder or bumper sticker. I'm reminded of those military training classes where they had slideshows depicting Christians as terrorists.
When I contacted my congressman about it, he replied that he "would certainly keep an eye out for any legislation on this matter". So, they do nothing.
Biden wants more gun control, more law abiding citizen control, but less criminal democrat controls. Since guns are no more of a problem on their own, than pea gravel. One has to wonder why democrats do everything in their power to cover for democrat and uniparty criminals who are actually usong weapons to facilitate their crimes?
Read a stat of the millions of gun owners and hunters that aren’t even registered to vote?
Communism at work. The middle finger to the people. Vote Trump 2024 to save our country!