Criminals like the bushes yomamas clinton biden all of them too many decades of garbage

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The Damage Done

Is Incalculable!!

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Lizard Lady Liz Cheney's father DICK, is a traitor too. He ran the whole 9/11 false flag PSYOP from the basement bunker of the White House on 9/11.

See: https://williamwhittensspace.quora.com/9-11-SIMPLE-PHYSICS-NIST-Fraud


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Who cares what Liz Cheney thinks.

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So she’s not a conservative. But that’s not news, right? I feel like her announcement is, “of course she is. Next topic?”

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Beautifully written (a real disgrace!)

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Cheney was nothing more than a paid puppet of the Jews that he served. When his poor health forced his inactivity, his equally servile scum daughter Liz Cheney inherited his job.

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