NATO has been a dangerous and dysfunctional alliance ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It’s time has come and gone. The US should leave both NATO and the United Nations.

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NATO is a loose cannon. It now is in business of causing trouble.

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NATO has overreached it's original purpose. I agree that we should leave NATO (and by doing so will save billions more dollars that we contribute to other countries WITHOUT oversight), same with the UN. However, if Russia attacks ANY country, we will most likely get sucked into that war to help them. Furthermore, it was insanity to get the Ukraine declared part of NATO, thanks to the warmongering politicians in both Parties of Congress. The US was enraged when the Soviet Union installed ICBM missiles in Cuba yet poured billions of dollars into a corrupted Ukraine which sits on the border of Russia. Dissolve NATO now and withdraw from that useless organization called the UN.

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Ukraine is an important ally on the eastern front against communist Russia.

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and also WHO

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Completely agree!

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This organization MUST now reevaluate its mission and purpose.

Promoting 'Woke' nonsense has absolutely no purpose whatsoever.

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Very accurate assessment of an organization that promotes war and degeneracy for profit and societal rot!

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May 20·edited May 20

Eurotrash opinions only encourage the enemy!

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He is a Norwegian; what did you expect?

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Meaning? Are you Swedish?

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Yes (and Norwegian, Danish and German); however, the answer would have been the same if he was Swedish.

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I'm sure protecting sexual perverts was utmost in the minds of NATO's founders, protecting the E-Z pass to the Hershey highway.

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Sounds about right.

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LGBT movement has been banned in Russia. So that says something about the type of people you sleep with politically.

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As a PRACTICAL matter...he's correct. The entire Western world seem to be in-the-tank for this LGBTQ nonsense. Furthering this degenerate agenda DOES seem to be the main focus of Western governments AND militaries.

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The god of this world (system) is Satan and he is in charge of all the peoples and governments on earth for the true God Jehovah is not in this world for he is in Heaven and His Holy spirit dwells in all those who are born again of the holy Spirit. When the Gospel has been preached throughout the whole world , then the end will come . Any time now.

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Amen! 🙏❤️🙏🙌

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In that case, the West is screwed.

NATO continues to prove what a worthless moneypit they are.

Trump was right. Again.

Time for the US to dump NATO and the UN.

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Trump 2024 will MAGA and disentangle us from NATOs increasingly leftist tentacles.

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He will be fighting a war with the Globalists, Oligarchs and especially the Military-Industrial Complex. They might welcome that if it distracts him too much from all the other JoeBozo exec orders he needs to reverse, among other things. If he gets a highly qualified VP he can direct him/her to do a lot of the crapola ice cream man left us.

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Russian disinformation.

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There is a grain of truth in that statement

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I’m confused?

Are you all disagreeing with him?

Forget he is NATO.

Are you suggesting his statement has no validity?

If so mass hypnosis is in play…. Again.

Lunatic NATO Leader Declares That the Western Military Alliance Exists To Promote Degenerate LGBT Values

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The sooner we get al the woke BS out of anything to do with the defense of our country or any country the better. It has to stop.

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