…too save America:









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Thanks! I totally missed but 100% agree. In fact they are one of the most corrupt Federal agencies - demonstrated with the plandemic.

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Almost all of these organizations and their cronies will lose their influence over the Senate when the 17th Amendment is repealed.

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One of the beauties of the United States Constitution is that the various branches of government have checks and balances on each other. The President has veto power, the Congress has power of the purse, the Senate has to approve many presidential nominations, the Supreme Court rules on constitutionality and so forth, just to scratch the surface. The document is a work of genius. The FED reports to congress, but really answers to NO ONE. It is an extra-constitutional organization involved in central planning of money and is contrary to the concept of self-government. Remarkably, it does not consider money supply in its economic models, which should disqualify it on the basis of incompetence. I support Congressman Massie.

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Checks and balances were blown up by the 16th and 17th Amendments in 1913. Untied the purse and opened the Senate to bribery.

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May 18·edited May 18

By now I've seen a pattern: Bills that displease globalists/internationalists have a way of stalling on committee desks chaired by WEF alumni. Ask Rep. Mooney about his bills in opposition to CBDC, or in support of return to the gold standard. These never made it past the Financial Services Committee desk chaired by WEF alum McHenry; same stop as the subject bill here. Ask about HRs 7916 (117th Congress), 79, 343, 1425, 6645, in opposition to WHO overreach. Everyone one of these is shown as stalled on the desk of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, chaired by WEF alum McCaul (and WEF alum Meeks during 117th).

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May 18·edited May 18

Rep. Massie introduces HR8421, "To abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes." --------> Referred to House Committee on Financial Services 5/16/24.

Rep. Mooney introduced HR3712, "Digital Dollar Pilot Prevention Act"

--------> Referred to House Committee on Financial Services 5/25/23. STALLED.

Rep. Mooney introduced HR2435, "Gold Standard Restoration Act"

--------> Referred to House Committee on Financial Services 3/30/23. STALLED.

All available for review at congress(dot)gov.

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It's looong past time for the Creature from Jekyll Island to be slain!! The BANKSTERS have done more damage to this country and others than most people can even imagine.

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I hope he has a good bodyguard.

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We support Congressman Thomas Massie.🙏🙏🙏

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Please !!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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The federal reserve is not a government entity. It is a private bank. Read the book by Edward G. Griffin, "Creature from Jekyl Island". The constitution, which has never been changed, states that congress has the power to regulate the value of our mopney, not a private bank. Our money is to be silver and gold, not paper fiat currency. Any one telling you that there is not enough gold and silver to use as money is flat out lying. Remember, congress can change the value of that gold and silver to match the economic needs. Gold and silver cannot be counterfieted. It has to be mined out of the ground. The federal reserve bank is a scourge on our society. It robs us of our lively hoods.

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What are theories on why so many educated ( not any better than anyone else), fell for the lies?

Mass hypnosis?

Mass cognitive dissonance?

Mass unwillingness to acknowledge that your country is corrupt?

All the above?

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It will never happen and they know it.

Too bad they NEVER put this type of legislation up when we hold both houses and the WH.


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The green back with the words at the top. ( United States tressure bank note )

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The Federal Reserve plays an important role in stabilizing our nation's economy and keeping America strong.

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Article I Section 8 assigns to the Congress the authority and responsibility "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof..." The handoff of this authority/responsibility to bankers and the shift to fiat currency has driven us to debt and ruin. See G. Edward Griffin's "The Creature from Jekyll Island."

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Tiny hat bs

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Antisemitic commentary on BLP? You're such an intellectual!

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I don’t get it. Tiny hat.

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Here gain some more of that intelligence you brag about .

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You are not a descendant of Shem so how is it anti Shem?

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All Corrupt! Eliminate and add what works.

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We have to remember that in 2011 Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced the NEED Act that would have abolished the Federal Reserve and replaced it with an indigenous American currency issued under the authority of the US Treasury Department. That legislation is still on the congressional books and ready to be implemented.

I was part of the effort that led up to that proposal while working with the American Monetary Institute. I write about it in my book, "Our Country Then and Now" and in my previous book "We Hold These Truths, the Hope of Monetary Reform." I am ready to work with Congressman Massie on getting this done NOW.

Save America! Save our country from the financial oligarchs that are destroying us.


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Too truth for you?

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Just think: Had the constitutional framers (like their early 1600 predecessors) established government and society upon the Bible' immutable/unchanging moral law (including its economic and taxing statutes), there would be no Federal Reserve, nor its mistress today's usurious fiat banking system, nor its enforcement arm the Internal Revenue Service.

There would, furthermore, be no graduated income tax, no property tax, no sales tax, nor any of the other sundry unbiblical taxes.

For more on how the Bible's integral triune moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments) applies and should be implemented today as the law of the land, see free online book "Law and Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant" at bible versus constitution dot org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title.

See also Chapter 25 "Amendment 16: Graduated Income Tax vs. Flat Increase Tax" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective." Click on the top entry on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 25.

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."

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