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For those who do not understand the detail involved with security, it may seem that every President has an equal resource, during and after office. But when the security agencies have been militarized in partisan warfare/lawfare as they have most certainly been during the Biden era, another rule of thumb becomes the predicating factor.

Biden, in his own words, according to Tony Bobulinsky, operates under the assumption of ‘plausible deniability’. When enough complexity can be created to make connecting the dots legally prohibitive, the costs of litigating and propaganda become major issues beyond the original concern. Especially in politically charged matters, where prerogative and preference enter.

Limitations and priorities are placed according to ‘leadership’, which in the context of Democrat Party leadership is distinctly hostile, especially to the first man and his movement who are capable of effectively opposing and ultimately defeating them.

And they yammer on and on about how dangerous and destructive Trump and MAGA are to ‘our democracy’! ALL the while perpetrating the most UN-democratic, conspiratorial, corrupt security apparatus in American history, excluding the assassinations of JFK and RFK for the sake of convenience.

A strict professor once told me, “Kenneth, you are presuming upon my grace” when I tried begging off for a late assignment. The security agencies are presuming upon the grace of the American people in failing to protect our past, real, and future President, Donald J Trump. DJT continues to be the winner, in large part by the grace of God, the grace of the overwhelming majority of the people, and the grace afforded by the exquisitely stupid half-wits who have stamped their names into history as LOSERS. The most ironic thing about this whole era of Biden failure is that the DEMS have sealed his fate as a Nobody LOSER before he’s even officially out of office.

But then, who are the geniuses that didn’t see That coming? And what a ‘mahvelous’ way to engineer an ‘Encore’ — the JOY of another ‘Social Promotion’! It just feels like deja vu all over again, from Hollywood — and damn if they don’t have the money to sell it to us, smoke, mirrors and bling to boot! Rumors of free popcorn are surely exaggerated.

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