When the EU was created, anyone could see where it was headed. And here it is one more level above any sort of control, arrogant, self serving and willing to use violence to stay in power.Sorry, but your parents and grandparents created the world you have inherited. They were convinced by the Far Left that unity of all Europe was the way forward, the only way to lasting peace. They were wrong and you are the ones paying the piper.

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The EU problem is the same problem within many of the nations that make it up, it's parliamentarian politics ran by groups of party Elites with their own agendas.

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The smart countries will get the hell out of that socialist commie union bunch of creeps!

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Europe thinks that the US doesn't remember the 20th century and the repeated suicidal iterations of their internal politics. If Europe wants to keep pissing off the US doing stupid things like this then they can't start whining when Trump wants them to pay up for NATO or decides to leave it altogether. Why should we defend a group of nations that don't respect us from Russia who is no longer a serious US adversary?

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In this case if you ain't against it you're for it. The EU elites see violence as a political tool.

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There is a cure for TDS. Each and every time one of the learned pols open their mouths and spew hate for Trump, they should be ridiculed and shamed at every opportunity. Then, when Trump gets back into the oval office, he should pull back on the funds supporting the EU. Lets see how that works out for 'em. They're acting like fools, treat 'em as such.

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