Waltzing into WWIII. Remember how WWII started? These people in the state dept and NSA need to read military history books. Very much on the brink. God bless us all

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Biden's CABINET and entire Adminstration are controlled by this Zionist, Talmudic synagogue of satan. They are conducting another one of their MARXIST INSURRECTIONS against us, just as their Bolshevik Jew ancestors did to Russia in 1917, turning it into THEIR Soviet Union, where they made it against the Law to say anything about a "Jew" - DEATH SENTENCE - then proceeded to murder 100 million Russian Chrisitans, that THEIR MEDIA forgot to mention among the 6 million times it screamed Hitler, Hitler, Hitler - to obfuscate what THEY had done. There is NO PRUSSIAN BLUE in any alleged "gas chambers" at Auschwitz or ANYWHERE else, where any "gas chamber" were suppose to be, which is IMPOSSIBLE if Hydrogen Cyanide was ever used there. It is all over the walls where it is known to have been used, in the TYPHUS chambers used to fumigate the lenins and clothes of the prisoners. Imagine that, SCIENCE itself "denies" any Jewish "holocaust" took place! ALL A FRAUD. You been DUPED, America. The Talmud PROVES they are the synagogue of satan Jesus spoke of. Henry Ford's reasearch proves who they are, that they possess NO HEBREW GENETICS, as do subsequent Genetic Surveys. These were the "name stealers" who assumed the identity of others, then killed them, then did evil in their names. We KNOW who they were and where they came from, and the EVIL they have committed for their "holy serpent" SATAN, which they claim to be descended from. That is the ONLY "god" they are "chosen" by.

Wait until they BE-HEAD you with their NOAHIDE LAWS, then you will know what they are - a little too late.

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I believe MAGA shares the view that our ‘national interests’ have been sold out to war-mongers for decades. The money available to these corporate elites and their political superintendents over the ‘plantations’ of America is just so damn obscene, when all it takes is a call to the FED to PRINT MORE, and another call to the Ways and Means to ‘Kick that CR can down the road’ while OVERRIDING the ‘taxation without representation’ part We the People were said to have “defeated” when the Republic was founded.

So how many billions of spending on warfare, (through deployments or proxies), does it take before a ‘declaration of war’ is officially made?

It has to be the quiet part that’s just so damn rude, i.e., “We have a word for you ‘mals’— malcontents = malinformation.” All this yammering about ‘forever wars’ and gasping at national debt/runaway debt is tiresome, same-old and too damn shrill. Like Hillary said once (at least) — So What? Who cares? Do you think you run this ride? And then don’t forget ‘check his watch Joe’ — It was too close to 9/11 ‘optics’ to worry about Anything but withdrawal — F Afghanistan, F the billions in military equipment, F the lowly guards, F the desperate ‘asylum’ seekers falling off the last transport off the F the airbase f-ing gift to the CCP, F the dogs, F the left-behinds: and F -You if you have any opinions that don’t get in line w my impeccable judgment. One more thing, says Joe — Hooray for Hunter. Now where are we? And which way outta here?

So the ‘gravy train’ rolls on. The gaslights glow. The Treasury flows with fresh ink. The MSM scolds the ‘malinformation’ and threatens us Mals for ‘taking advantage of the Bird — the very thing the Eagle does as it flies off the presses.

So it’s We the (flyover) People versus the Leviathan beast of the tidal swamp.

Corporate and dark money versus ‘Can you spare another 5 bucks?’

All this waste of a good chameleon running against a man who history will honor as the best hope of a spiraling America.

Is it ALL about the money? Or is there still a beating heart in We the People?

Will November 5 precipitate another dispute over the electoral college? Another cold day of coup on Capitol Hell ?

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