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It will be plainly seen that this was a war of aggression against Russia, and a war of criminal opportunity to seize the resources of the region for the benefit of Globalists who have No Respect for the lives or the rights of the citizens living there to determine their future.

Billions have been pissed away for the aggrandizement of the blood-thirsty neo-cons mouthing ‘democracy’ while tightening their fascist agenda for the destruction of cultural and historic civilization of Ukraine. Pursuit of this war of opportunity and aggression has NOT been authorized by Congress - certainly Not by the will of the American people - and has TOTALLY denied the interests of the people who call that land home.

Those who have promoted American seizure of political power as the colonial overlord of this Globalist agenda to destroy Russian hegemony there are war criminals, deserving of nothing better than Saddam Hussein’s fate.

Furthermore, after all that cock and bull about Saddam having ‘weapons of mass destruction’ — they are using every possible means of provoking an escalation of hostilities to the ‘nuclear’ options, showing absolute disregard for consequence of such action to the world, and it’s duly elected representatives ‘of The People.’

Every word, intent, action, and force of office, (arrogance institutionalized) is now militarized in the most ‘anti-democratic’ way it has EVER been.

Pray for the eyes of the people to be opened. End the complacency now. Demand accountability. Do not allow the neocons dripping blood from their past, present and future slaughter of humanity - having had No Voice in destiny - to go unchallenged.

They’re trying to murder us, Trump, and as many voiceless people in this world as possible. We have a voice — let’s use it.

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