Ban Marijuana.

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They can’t kick the issue to the states because of the federal prohibition. Do you want the states to decide? Then you need to deschedule it.

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This is a good idea. It makes sense scientifically, politically, financially socially, humanely…. Entirely. That republicans would fight this is completely irrational and rooted in ignorance and intolerance. Imaging the boon republicans could get from backing this very sensible proposal. It saddens me that they would oppose it just because it came from the Biden Whitehouse.

Sincerely hope this passes and governments and law enforcement can focus on more important things.

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It should never have been classified as schedule 1 but even the stoners know that Joe Brandon is a marxist POS!

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The DOJ should have consulted VP Border & A.I. CZARINA Harris, based on her experience of incarcerating 1,900 (Forbes article 8/18/2020) as SF prosecutor in California…for her input regarding rescheduling marijuana.

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Sounds good to me.

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That’s brilliant. Turn the entire country into mindless dope heads that don’t give a damn what the government does to their freedoms.

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