Bravo, Congressman Gosar!

Now we have to watch and see who in Congress and who in the Senate supports this bill, and who does not--the Big Pharma shills!

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Yes, that 1986 law was signed by President Ronald Reagan and don't try to tell me he didn't know what he was doing. Think Thalidomide and the polio Vax...and what both of them did....deformed babies which ultimately gave us abortion, and the polio vax, grown on Simian Monkey kidneys meant every polio vax or sugar cube contained Simian Virus 40 (SV-40) which causes soft tissue cancers. It is also genetically passed to offspring. So, why would Reagan sign such a bill?


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Why? It’s point number 4 in your attached article. Reagan was not nefarious and evil like the lefties of today.

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Don't bet on it. I know a lot more about Reagan than I wanted to know and I worked for him in 1980. Actually, after he was shot two months into his first term, he turned the job over to H.W. Bush and he and his wife spent the rest of his two terms in Camp David watching old movies while Bush hired CFR members, and Ed Meese helped to steal Inslaw's Promise software from Bill Hamilton. That's not to mention the 18 million illegals who were given amnesty plus all their family members. And it doesn't count the pro-abort bill Reagan signed when governor of California which was promoted to him by Meese. I could go on, but you get the picture. He was a figurehead and we loved him, but behind the scenes.

Remember JFK and LBJ, not a good VP, neither was Pence, and neither is Vance.

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