1 Comment


You doing a great job straight reporting, with heart! Mahalos!

More: Blaaah blah! too much talk! Do the tests on BigMike Obama that prove sex M or F ? Also, does Big Mike/Michelle have a penis?

Also, Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii given his family in Kenya testified he was born in Mombasa and hospital records make that fact clear. Obama is a fraud a usurper! and TREASON!


Yes, savage TREASON !!!! 2nd Amendment time 09/09/2024 to stop 20,000 Hatian illegal aliens attacking Springfield, Ohio led by Obama, Kamala Harris, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, Hirono et.al., CIA, FBI, DeepState, etc. etc. Arrest them now; and deport all illegal aliens immediately, starting with 20,000 invaders in Ohio!

WAKE UP! Kamala Harris NOT eligible because she is NOT a Natural-born American Citizen! She is anchor-baby!

O-Biden and Kamalalala are evil empty-suits brainless evil crooks incompetent and usurping the Office of POTUS after their criminal thugs stole the 2020 election as O-Biden pretending to campaign from his basement Election FRAUD and TREASON using dementia-JoeObiden the empty suit puppet run by Barack Obama/Susan Rice, et, al, to fool Americans and stay in power illegally with fraud and weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, Big Media. TREASON !

aloha from George Peabody 96748

PS Melania Trump is the best First Lady, EVER!!!

America's Christian God protected President Trump from that snipers bullet, so President Trump can continue to serve God's Will to Bless our Christian Nation USA. Praise the Lord!

MuslimshateUSA !! Cancel Ilhan Omar's fraud USA Citizenship and immediately DEPORT Omar, et. al., to her home Somalia, and do not return to USA! Take usurper#1 Barack Hussain Obama, too! Banish from USA for ever!

NOW, Arrest the USURPERS: Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Bidens, Soros, et.al.

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